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LAST UPDATED: 2023-12-19

Welcome to LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L., identified by CUI: 47852980, Reg. Com.: J16/662/21.03.2023, having its registered office in Craiova, 13 Dealul Spirei Street, Dolj County, Romania. These terms of use are entered into by and between You and LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L (collectively “LYNEports ,” “we” or “us”). The following terms and conditions, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, “Terms of Use”), govern your access to and use of our European website, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through our website (the “Website”), whether as a guest or a registered user. The Website is referred to throughout these Terms of Use as the “LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services.” IMPORTANT: THESE TERMS OF USE CONTAIN A MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISION THAT AS FURTHER SET FORTH IN SECTION 18 BELOW AND WITH LIMITED EXCEPTIONS, REQUIRES THE USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS, INCLUDING CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS, IN COURTS AND ONLY SPECIFIC REMEDIES ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully before you start to use LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website, software and services. By using LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website and services, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, found at https://www.lyneports .com/privacy-policy.

Each time you access or use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website and services, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use along with our Privacy Policy and any additional guidelines, terms, procedures, or rules that may apply to a specific feature of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website and services.
If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website and services.

By using the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website and services, you warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L and meet all of the eligibility requirements in this Terms of Use. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services.

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L, incorporated in Romania, may revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time in its sole discretion, in compliance with the European regulations and laws. All changes are effective immediately when posted on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Service website and apply to all access to and use of the service.
Your continued use of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Service following the posting of the revised Terms of Use means that you accept and agree to the changes.

You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services and maintaining the accuracy of any information you submit to LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L in relation to your access and use of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services.

To access LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services or some of the resources LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L offer, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. You warrant that all the information you provide on or through LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services is correct, current, and complete. All information you provide to register for the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services or otherwise, including, but not limited to, through the use of any interactive features on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, is governed by the Privacy Policy of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L.
• LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L may use Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in the provision of services. The content generated by AI may not always be accurate, and we cannot always assess its accuracy. LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L holds no liability in relation to AI generated products.
You must treat your username, password, or any other piece of information used as part of our security procedures as confidential. Your account is personal to you and you may not provide any other person with access to the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services or portions of it using your username, password, or other security information. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your account or any other breach of security. If you are accessing or using our Digital Services on behalf of another person or entity, you represent that you are authorized to accept these Terms of Use on that person or entity’s behalf and that the person or entity agrees to be responsible to us if you or the other person or entity violates these Terms of Use.

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Website Services and their entire contents, features, and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video, and audio, and the design, selection, and arrangement thereof) are owned by LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L, its licensors, or other providers of such material and are protected by European Union and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.
The LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L name and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L . All other names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services are the trademarks of their respective owners.

We grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to use and access the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services and the information contained in the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services for your personal, non-commercial use only in accordance with these Terms of Use and applicable European laws.

You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any of the material on our LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services without explicit permission from LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L .

You will not: (a) modify copies of any materials from the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Service; (b) use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from the accompanying text; or (c) delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from this site. This license is subject to the restrictions and obligations set forth in the applicable European laws and regulations.

You will not: (a) monitor, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, or create derivative works of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (b) conduct any systematic retrieval of data or other content from the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, such as creating a deep-link to the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services or accessing the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services with any robot, spider, web crawler, extraction software, automated process and/or device to scrape, copy, index, frame, or monitor any portion of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services or any content on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (c) transfer, distribute, sell, or sublicense the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services to a third party; (d) incorporate or use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services into a product or service that you provide to a third party; (e) interfere with or otherwise circumvent mechanisms in the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services intended to limit use or attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, the server on which the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services are stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (f) attack the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack; (g) reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, translate or otherwise seek to obtain or derive the source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats, or non-public APIs to the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (h) remove or alter any proprietary or other notices contained in the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (i) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services for competitive analysis or to build competitive products; (j) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party’s use of the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services; (k) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services in any way that violates any applicable European Union or Romanian law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the European Union or other countries), or (l) encourage or assist any third party to do any of the foregoing.
You will not: (a) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services for unlawful, obscene, offensive, or fraudulent purposes, (b) input in the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services any information that contains any personal information of minors or that is unlawful, obscene, offensive or violates third party rights; (c) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services to exploit or harm individuals; or (d) use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services to interfere with or violate the integrity or security of a network or system, evading filters, sending unsolicited, abusive or deceptive messages, or viruses or harmful code.

The information presented on or through LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services is made available solely for general information purposes. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Information relating to real estate, eVTOL aircraft, prices, areas, regulatory requirements, or vertiport and heliport landing infrastructure should not be used by you to evaluate real estate investment returns, location availability, or potential operational validity. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by you or any other user or visitor to LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.

This LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services may include content provided by third parties, including materials provided by other users, and third-party licensors, syndicators, aggregators, and/or reporting services. All statements and/or opinions expressed in these materials, and all articles and responses to questions and other content, other than the content provided by LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L , are solely the opinions and the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials. These materials do not necessarily reflect the opinion of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L . We are not responsible, or liable to you or any third party, for the content or accuracy of any materials provided by any third parties.

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L is incorporated in Romania under the European laws and regulations. The LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L service is provided through its website service to users located in the European Union. Any disputes arising from the use of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L service shall be settled according to the Romanian laws. The terms of use are governed by the Romanian legislation.
We reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time by posting changes on this website. Continued use of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L service after we post any such changes shall constitute your acceptance of such changes.
If any provision of these terms of use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

All information we collect on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website is subject to our Privacy Policy located at https://www.lyneports .com/privacy-policy (the “Privacy Policy). By using LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into this Agreement and forms part of the Agreement.

You agree that LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L and its representatives may contact you by text or telephone at the phone numbers that you provide in connection with LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services and your account, to provide the Services, in the event of suspected fraudulent or illegal activities, or for marketing purposes. You understand that you are not required to provide this consent as a condition of purchasing any property, goods, or services. You also understand that you may opt out of receiving text messages from us at any time, either by replying “STOP” or by contacting If you do not choose to opt-out, we may contact you as set forth in our Privacy Policy located at .

All matters relating to LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services and these Terms of Use, and any dispute or claim arising therefrom or related thereto (in each case, including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Romania without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of Romania or any other jurisdiction).

The courts of Bucharest, Romania shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L ensures the protection of personal data and privacy of users according to the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Users agree that by accessing and using LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services, they accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you are not authorized to access or use the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services.

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time by posting the revised Terms of Use on the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L website. The modified Terms of Use will be effective immediately upon posting.

No waiver by LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L of any term or condition set out in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L to assert a right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect.

The Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, and any other relevant agreement to the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L regarding the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, regarding the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L Services.

LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L is incorporated in Romania under the European laws and regulations. LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L service is provided through its website service to users. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Romania.

These Terms of Use and the LYNE TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L service are governed by the laws of Romania. If any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, then such provision shall be deemed inoperative to the extent that it may conflict therewith and shall be deemed modified to conform to such law. Any provision hereof which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof.

If you have any questions about this Agreement, you may contact us by email at


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